September 6, 2009

Full Moon Week

Hello again.

It's September already and birthday month is over with. Hubby's birthday was yesterday and we celebrated by going to a nice dinner and then we met up with friends. I haven't been writing like I should but I am still waiting for the rejection or the hint of hope from the agent that I queried. I plan to do some revision work if it is rejected.

The full moon was Friday and that almost seemed the like most normal day of the week. I went and saw ZZ Top with my brother. That was a great concert! It just seemed like everything weird and dramatic happened this week. If I could use some of that in a new book or even my WIP I would have at least a extra chapter. Why is it that when it rains it pours?

I am now addicted to Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook I connect with friends and family. On Twitter I am following a lot of authors and agents I think I only have like one friend who I actually know and she doesn't get on very often anyway. A couple of the authors who I follow were at the MWW. I am trying to network but I haven't been getting a lot of writing done does that make sense? I don't think so. So, on that note, I think I'm going to write something other than a blog.

Bye for now,

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