December 2, 2008

December 2nd

Hello all!

Yes, I'm proud. After a long month of writing I managed to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I think this was one of the hardest years too. I am working part time now, I had a death in the family, and my computer crashed. All this and I was still able to make it! I know I have been neglecting my blog but I don't know if there is anyone who is actually reading it anyway.
Now it is December. We have the first layer of snow on the ground and I am finally starting to get the Christmas spirit. I will be cleaning the house and decorating this weekend as a matter of fact. I've bought one present so far but I plan to do a lot of shopping online this year in order to save myself from the crowds at the mall.
I am also hoping to send CHAIN REACTION out to another four or five agents sometime this week or early next week. The last time I did it I received my first rejection within a couple of hours, ah, the joys of email. I have decided that I am going to work on editing my nano novel instead of the one from last year. It is more parallel with ChAIN REACTION then the other one and if I actually did go somewhere with the first it would make a good second book. I also need to start writing some short stories so I can try to get my name out there somehow.
Well, cheers to the start of a holiday season and I swear I will be posting again very soon (less then a month? This one had a time span of less then a month) Patti

November 5, 2008

Happy Post Election Day!!

I just wanted to say congratulations to Barack Obama on becoming the next president of the United States of America. I was proud to vote yesterday, always have been and always will be proud to be an American. We witnessed history yesterday and I am looking forward to a positive change in the four years to come.

As for Nano, I'm caught up!! Let's see if I can stay that way!! I work tonight, tomorrow and Friday so we will see what if I have to catch up again by the weekend. This weekend might be hard though, I have to go watch the Bears and the Titans play! I will keep you posted.

Keep on truckin'! Patti

October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!! I'm sitting here on the computer waiting for Trick or Treaters. Things have changed so much. When I went to school here we would have a Halloween carnival at the school, there would be a Halloween party at the school and then we would go out in groups and come home with gobs of candy. Now the kids are not even allowed to wear costumes to school. I love Halloween. I dressed up last night, am dressing up tonight and will dress up tomorrow. Then, tomorrow I start Nano!!! In case anyone doesn't know what Nano is, it National Novel Writing Month. I am going to try to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. I've won twice already but I enjoy the challenge so I'm trying again. I will keep everyone posted on my progress. If anyone wants to join me, let me know!

Good bye for now and good writing, Patti

October 12, 2008

Three More Out


Well, today instead of going out to watch the football game I stayed home and sent out three more queries. I recently reworked my query letter and I am a lot happier with it. Hopefully it will work for me! Last time I sent out a batch of five and three of them came back within the first couple of days so let's see what happens this time! Wish me luck and I will keep you posted.
Keep the faith! Patti

October 9, 2008

Lights Camera Action...

Hi Everyone!
Its me again!

Well, I made it past one blog this time! It's going to be easier to not procrastinate this time because now most of my favorite blogs are right here!! So now, when I sit in the kitchen with my morning cup of tea I can read, write, then do 'rithmetic (just kidding about the math unless I have to do bills).

I like read a lot of agent blogs. By reading these I've learned a lot about stupid mistakes that writers make. About six years ago, I sent out a query for the first novel I wrote. I sent the query out and waited. I got the rejection and put it away. I looked at it recently and I didn't even use apostrophes right! I can't even imagine how far off I was on the formatting and I don't know if it had much of a plot. One day I plan to reread and maybe even rewrite that book but more than likely it was just a learning experience. One thing I've learned is that you have to learn from your mistakes if you want to keep moving ahead.

If you are a reader or a writer...keep the faith. Patti

October 7, 2008


I'm guilty! I originally started this blog in January as a New Years Resolution. Here it is October and I'm starting over because I only posted one time when I promised at least once a week.

Welcome to The Write Zone!! My original blog name was the Writer's Chronicles but I think I like the Write Zone better. It reminds me of the Twilight Zone. In this blog I will be talking about topics that are on my mind, books that I love, I will keep you posted on my writing projects and rejections.

National Novel Writing Month starts November 1st!! I will be among the tens of thousands of upeople who will be participating. This, of course, is on top of Thanksgiving festivities and Christmas shopping. Once again, I will keep you posted. If you are a writer and want to test your typing skills join NANO. The goals is to write a 50,000 word novel in 30, yes 30 days. I have participated 4 times and won twice. The website is

If you are a reader, thank you for reading. If you are a writer, keep the faith. Patti