Good afternoon.
The snow is still on the ground. There is a snowman on the side of the driveway that the grandkids made yesterday. The living room is a mess but what else is new. It's like life is limbo right now. Tomorrow is the first day of March. It is staying light out until six o'clock now and the Cubbies are practicing. Even though the weather doesn't act like it yet, spring is on the way. It is in the horizon. The sun will be setting on winter very soon and I can't wait!
Yes, the pictures are of the same dog. The top picture is of Dolly after her haircut, the second is Dolly before her haircut. The only thing I will miss this spring is Dolly. About a month ago we had to put her to sleep. She was almost thirteen years old and she got very sick, very fast and went blind even faster. She loved to be outside with me in the spring and summer. Even last summer she would run and chase the ball. I love to sit outside in the nice weather and read or write. A lot of evenings I will have a few glasses of wine (not me) and Dolly used to get excited whenever I would come in the kitchen and pour that first glass even if I wasn't planning on sitting outside. She was also my protector, letting me know anytime someone was even walking past the house. It's going to be so different this year without her.
I took a short vacation from writing because I was out of town, then my friends were in town, then I went out of town again. I am back again. I am working on editing again and I am finding a lot of things that I can cut and add to my manuscript. I am hoping to have it finished by the time I go to the writers conference at the end of July because I want to pitch to an agent again. This will be my third year going to this conference and I'm really looking forward to it.
Now that I am back in writer's mode again I will be posting more often. Talk to you soon! Good afternoon and good writing!!!