January 1, 2010

New Year, Time for Change

Wow! I actually posted a picture on here, Facebook and Twitter and I changed the look of my blog. It's a start. I just wonder if there is anyone out there that reads this!

It is 2010 and this is my 20th blog post so I better make it a good one. Now that the fun and excitement of the holidays are gone, I have to get down to business and make some changes. My main one is manage my health better. I have specific goals on how I'm going to do that but I'm not going to share them on here. At least not at this point.

As for writing goals, I am going to share. I am going to read a lot more. I am going to read about writing but I am also going to read more in general.

I am going to get up earlier in the morning so that I can do some writing before work.

I am going to manage my days off a little better so I can get more done and get some writing, reading or editing done.

I am going to network in a more productive way.

And...I say this every year, I'm going to write the blog more often.

I am currently going through Chain Reaction one more time so I can send it out again. So far there hasn't been much need to make any major changes so I should have another round of queries out by the end of January. While I am doing that I am either going to edit or write start another project...or both! I have a few things I'm playing with but I don't know what direction they are going in yet.

Well, now I am going to have a snack and do a little writing!

Good night and good writing!!!! Patti


Shelli (srjohannes) said...

these sound like great goals - Thanks for commenting and stopping by :)

Patti K. said...

Thank you for commenting and following me!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

It sounds like you have some good goals for the new year. What genre do you write? If it's YA, do you belong to YAlitchat? As you start to shop your ms around, have you joined QueryTracker to research agents? I have a post from a couple days ago that might give you some helpful links.