First of all I want to start by saying Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers and grandmothers out there. Mother's Day doesn't really mean that much to me anymore because my mother and grandmothers are gone and I am not officially a mother. It means that I am missing my family that has passed on more than usual. R.I.P. Diana, Doris and Minnie. I miss you very much. We need to honor the people in our life everyday instead of just certain days of the year.
I know I haven't been writing as often as I keep saying I'm going to write. My only excuse is that life keeps getting in the way. I am still working on my revisions and I already registered for my conference. If things go well I should be ready to pitch for the agent at the conference. I am currently working on another outline with things that I want to add and delete. I'm working on a new subplot that will hopefully tie it all together.
I am looking forward to the summer and being able to sit outside and write. My good friend is also coming in town for at least a month so I also looking forward to seeing her. The nice weather always inspires me so I hope I will get back on the right track.
Good luck and good writing. Patti